You Need Location Freedom

Most people don’t realize how important Location Freedom is.

As someone who’s lived most of my life in a third-world country, I can tell you how it feels to be trapped in a place you didn’t choose.

Now don’t get me wrong!

I’m not hating on the place where I come from.

I’m just saying you don’t know how it feels until you come out of the bubble.

And even if you’re from a First-world country, I still think the ability to choose where you live and work is still a game-changer.

People don’t realize they’ve all been conditioned to stay in their comfort zones, to settle for the life they have.

But think about it—if our ancestors never migrated, we wouldn’t even be here today. So, why should we stop now?

But Soham, how do you break free you must be thinking?

Well, it’s all about leveraging the power of the internet as much as you can.

Never in the history of humanity has location freedom been so accessible.

You can work remotely, do what you love, and live wherever you want.

During the pandemic, many of us got a taste of this freedom, working from home.

But let’s be honest—most people are still not free.

They’re stuck in a 9 to 5 grind, even if they’re working from the comfort of their own home.

And that’s where time freedom comes in.

Yes! Location freedom is not enough.

You need time freedom which I’m gonna talk about in the next post.

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