#11 – You Can’t Buy Love with Money

Spending money on a girl won’t make her fall in love with you.

You think you can buy love.

You think if you buy expensive gifts, she’ll love you.

You think you can just take her out to fancy dinners, and she’ll be yours forever.

And you think maxing out your credit card on her will make her fall for you.

Let me tell you something. You’re wrong my friend.

You don’t really know her yet.

She doesn’t give a fuck about your feelings.

She’ll use you.

She’ll cheat on you.

And she’ll leave you for someone who can spend more than you.

Because you’re not the only one with money.

There’s always some richer simp who’s willing to spoil her more.

Now I know I know I know.

You think she’s not with you just for your money.

You think she’s not one of those gold diggers.

And you think she genuinely cares about your feelings.

But have you ever questioned her true intentions?

How long have you guys been together?

And when was the last time you sat down and had a meaningful conversation with her?

If you’re emptying your wallet and yet haven’t connected with her on a deeper level, it’s time to reassess the relationship.

But each time you get serious, she changes the topic.

You’re putting your heart on the line, yet she’s wearing a poker face.

It’s pretty clear that she’s freeloading off you.

If this isn’t a red flag, then I don’t know what is.

I’m telling you she’s not the one.

If she was really the one, she wouldn’t freeload off your generosity.

She wouldn’t take advantage of your kindness.

And she wouldn’t use you as an ATM.

She’d wanna invest in the relationship, not just her wardrobe.

She’d wanna build a life together, not just bask in your gifts.

And she’d wanna earn your trust, not just your money.

Now I’m not saying be a miser.

Go on a few dates.

Spend a couple hundred bucks.

But don’t empty your wallet to win her over.

The more you spend on her, the more she’s gonna demand.

And there’s no way you’ll keep up with her ever-growing expectations.

The world is a ruthless place.

Nobody gives a fuck about your feelings.

So build yourself first before building a relationship.

Spend that money on yourself to become the best version of you.

Be a high value man.

And love yourself more than you love someone else.

Because you can lose a lot of money chasing women. But you’ll never lose women chasing money.

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